Conflict is the catalyst of drama, the crucible in which character is forged, and the force that propels the soul towards higher realms of awareness

In the grand **fabric** of existence, conflict serves as the dynamic force that shapes both the world and the individual. Just as a movie without an antagonist feels incomplete, so too would life be without challenges and struggles. Conflict in the world, whether personal, social, or global, is a reflection of the inherent tension between opposing forces that drive the drama of existence. This tension is not only inevitable but necessary, for it fuels the rising action of life’s narrative.

As time progresses, conflicts intensify, mirroring the structure of a story approaching its climax. Wars, political strife, and personal battles are not merely chaotic events; they are the testing grounds for the soul. In the midst of this turmoil, one must practice yoga with the supreme, connecting to a higher awareness that transcends the worldly drama.

This higher mystic realm is where the true drama unfolds—a drama of spiritual evolution. By engaging with the world’s conflicts while maintaining a connection to the divine, one prepares for the ultimate ascent into higher consciousness. The conflicts in the world serve to refine the soul, pushing it towards self-realization and spiritual maturity. Thus, the world becomes a stage where the soul earns its place in the higher realm, not by avoiding conflict, but by navigating it with grace and awareness. In this way, the rising action of conflict leads to the climax of spiritual awakening.


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