sharanaagati and swadarma ones natural occupation

**In the shelter of surrender, the heart finds its wings.** Six petals unfurl, each a limb of sharaṇāgati, the sacred flower of devotion. The first is acceptance, where the soul rests in the embrace of divine will, as a river surrenders to the ocean's pull, knowing it will reach the sea. The second is rejection, a bird shedding old feathers to soar higher, leaving behind what no longer serves the journey.

**In the third, faith blooms,** a tree deeply rooted in the soil of grace, unshaken by the storms of doubt. The fourth is humility, where the ego bows like a blade of grass in the wind, soft and supple, yielding to the divine touch.

**Then comes atma-nivedana,** the offering of the self, where the heart is a fragrant flower placed at the feet of Sri Hari. Hidden within this surrender is svadharma, like a seed nestled within the earth, waiting to sprout. It is the innate rhythm, the natural skill embedded in every being, the melody the soul was born to play.

**To protect and maintain this svadharma is to be dharma-rakshita,** a warrior guarding the sacred flame of purpose. It is the bow drawn taut, the arrow aimed true, as the archer merges with the target, finding joy in the act of creation, for it pleases the Lord. In this, the yogakshema, the balance of care and sustenance, is assured, for the universe itself conspires to uphold what is aligned with divine will.

**Thus, life becomes a dance,** each step guided by the music of surrender, each movement a prayer, as the soul weaves through the tapestry of existence, knowing that in following its svadharma, it follows the very heartbeat of the cosmos.


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