spiritual independence day

True independence is not about being free from all dependencies but rather finding the right dependency. When we place our dependence on the Infinite, who is Shyamasundar Sri Krishna, we achieve real independence. In this state, we transcend the slavery of our senses, which, when uncontrolled, act as tyrannical masters. The senses, when indulged, are like venomous serpents; they bite and bring misery to our lives. The pursuit of their gratification leads to a life filled with suffering and discontent. However, when we redirect our focus from gratifying the senses to serving the Supreme Lord, we unlock true freedom.

This concept is encapsulated in the verse "Hrishikena Hrishikesha Sevanam," which means serving the Lord of the senses (Hrishikesha) with our senses (Hrishika). By engaging our senses in the service of Krishna, we free ourselves from their bondage. Instead of allowing the senses to dictate our actions, we regulate them through devotion. This regulation doesn't suppress the senses but purifies and refines them. 

When we offer our senses in service to Purushottama, the Supreme Person, we align ourselves with His infinite nature. In this infinite service (Ananta Sewa), we find true fulfillment. The temporary pleasures of the senses pale in comparison to the bliss that arises from a life dedicated to serving Krishna. Therefore, real freedom lies not in independence from everything but in complete dependence on Sri Krishna. Through this dependence, we achieve a state of true independence, free from the clutches of the venomous serpents of our senses.


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