The Call of the Universal Lover: A Soul's Journey to Krishna

The Call of the Universal Lover: A Soul's Journey to Krishna

In the grand tapestry of existence, we often find ourselves ensnared by the world’s many distractions. The more we immerse in the mundane—chasing ambitions, relationships, and fleeting pleasures—the further we drift from the one who created us, Sri Krishna, the Supreme Lover. But this very distance we create triggers a powerful force that pulls us back, stronger and more insistent with every misstep.

Krishna, the all-pervading Viswatma, doesn’t tolerate our prolonged absence. He has created us for a singular purpose: to love Him. Every soul is a piece of His divine puzzle, meant to reunite with Him in a bond of eternal love. When we stray, Krishna’s love doesn’t diminish; instead, it intensifies, manifesting in the form of challenges, suffering, and dissatisfaction with worldly life. These aren’t punishments; they are forces of divine love designed to push us back towards Him.

Picture this: a child wandering off from his mother in a crowded market. The farther he goes, the more anxious the mother becomes, calling out his name, searching frantically. Similarly, Krishna is calling us back, pulling us out of the abyss of worldly attachments. The more we resist, the stronger His pull becomes. This is not cruelty, but compassion. For in this divine tug of war, the true nectar lies in surrendering to His pull, in letting go of our fleeting attachments and returning to our original, blissful relationship with Him.

Worldly relationships are temporary; they come with conditions, expectations, and inevitable disappointments. But Krishna's love is unconditional, eternal, and ever-fulfilling. The soul’s union with the Supersoul in love is the only relationship that promises true, everlasting happiness. The misery we encounter is but a reminder of this truth—a push from Krishna, urging us to return to His embrace, where the nectar of divine love flows endlessly.

In essence, every pain, every struggle is Krishna’s way of saying, “Come back to Me, for I am your eternal home.”


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