wheel of time

 Wheel of time, Kala Chakra

A circle means coming back repeatedly to the same point

But one can choose to evolve in the circle of time

Hearing to the winds, the pancabhutas can give omens

The flow pattern of water; the blowing of wind etc.....

Ofcourse one needs wisdom to read the fundamental elements, be the wisdom

sri-bhagavan uvaca
kalo 'smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho
lokan samahartum iha pravrttah
rte 'pi tvam na bhavisyanti sarve
ye 'vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah

Loka ksaya - the deterioration of world of matter begins at creation

Create something with a timer to decay and destruct - thats the nature of this world

There a decay timer and destruction embeded, which is ticking right from birth

Some astrologers can get power to read the settings on this span timer

Its a growth towards decay......

Pratyanikesu - one should not be on the opposite side of the Lord

Competing and opposing the Lord 'pratyanikesu yodhah'

Lets not become a opposing warrior

What to do in human life?
There are many options - pursue wealth, fame, position, power, luxury, joy with friends etc....But Bhagavatham has total different take on objective of life......
The human life, however, is an opportunity to get out of this repetition of creation and annihilation. It is a means whereby one may escape the Lord’s external potency and enter into His internal potency.

Moving from external to internal energy is the goal of life - which can award one suprsidati
Anukool sakti Sri Radha is the internal energy
There is death and there is pleasure


A death case and the life of inmates of funeral house

Oliver sachs - car accident - bad dream; elses life

horror movie, drugs - 

one thing, one power, lucky to touch it

Touching the source - stone - surface - clear and opaque - river

floating in river - water moves - take you - thoughts - drift - mind


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