Taxi and service

The word Taxi is coined from Medieval Latin taxa "tax, charge."

Like a paid service.
Service that is paid is not true service
True service uplifts the self
What is root word for service?

*stā-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to stand, set down, make or be firm," with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing."

As seen above it is 'Sta' which means that which is standing firm
Dharma also means that which sustains a thing or make a thing stand
So if we dont want to be washed away by the waves of time (kaalera saagare dhaaya), then we have to serve the satya or truth
Service means that which makes one stand for ever, that which sustains one for ever and that is devotional service to Absolute truth Sri Krishna
By offering ones swadharma in service to absolute, one enters eternity and finds a permanent position there

The concept of tax in vedas is called rna (debt)
Unpaid tax becomes a debt as time elapses.
We become indebted to payback to Saints, Devatas and Parents/Father
Paying back these debts lead to spiritual evolution
Sincere trying finally leads to development of spiritual knowledge by which one can engage in bliss devotional service to absolute
Yayatma suprasidati - this is complete bliss as result of pure devotional service internally impelled by ones particular spiritual characteristics

As soon as a brāhmaṇa takes birth, he assumes three kinds of debts—debts to great saints, debts to the demigods and debts to his father. The son of a brāhmaṇa must undergo celibacy (brahmacarya) to clear his debts to the saintly persons, he must perform ritualistic ceremonies to clear his debts to the demigods, and he must beget children to become free from his debts to his father.

As stated in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.5.41):
Sarvatmana - soul of all souls, Sri krishna one who is the right entity to surrender (Saranyam). Its like the team of teams. we are minute component souls of the Sarvatma. Surrender and dance to the beat of the sarvatma. 


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