Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada tirobhava tithi maha mahotsava ki jaya

His divine grace name in his earlier asrama was 'Abhaya caran' which means fearless lotus feet. Whose lotus feet? this is addressed in the kirtan 'Bhaja hure mana, Sri Nanda Nandana, abhaya caranaravinda re'. The fearlessness is found at the lotus feet of son of Nanda Maharaja. Srila Prabhupada's mission is to help living beings of the world experience true fearlessness by developing bhakti at the lotus feet of Nandanandana Sri Krishna.
All the higher attainments of spirituality like Prem, bliss, happiness, eternity are built on the foundation of 'Abhaya' or fearlessness. Fear is always due to the unknown. As finite entities when we see the vast world, there remains so much unknown and this causes fear. Fear is the primary destroyer of wellbeing. It corrodes at the most fundamental level and shakes up the whole foundation of existence. Fear also eats up our life span (ayur vyaya).
In response to the Question by King Nimi on what is 'atyantika kshemam' or supremely good, Sri Kavi one of the navayogendras begins by addressing bhaya 'fear', the root cause of fear and remedy for fear. Srila Prabhupada's appearance on this planet and his mission is completely explained by this response of Kavi Navayogendra. Lets see aspects of this sloka with respect to Srila Prabhupadas manifest lila.

bhayaṁ dvitīyābhiniveśataḥ syād
īśād apetasya viparyayo ’smṛtiḥ
tan-māyayāto budha ābhajet taṁ
bhaktyaikayeśaṁ guru-devatātmā

Dvitiya-abhinivesa is the primary reason for fear. Since fear is about the unknown, the remedy is to ensure that nothing is unknown. Srila Prabhupada essence of his message is 'Krishna is the supreme personality of godhead' which means he is the owner of everything(sarva loka maheswaram) and nothing is outside him. Seeing anything which is outside of krishna or beyond his control causes fear and this is due to lack of knowledge. Prabhupada created firm faith in his followers on all encompassing ownership and lordship of SriKrishna. He installed Radha Londoniswara to destroy dvitiya absorption
apetasya - Srila Prabhupada went to the lowest region of the earth 'the hippie colony' who had turned away completely from Supreme lord and made them turn towards the supreme. 
Viparyaya - 'Misidentification' Srila Prabhupada preached on true identity of servant of the Lord of being satisfiers and not enjoyers. Our fortune, auspiciousness is in activities of giving pleasure to absolutes senses and not in independent enjoyment
amsritih - By publishing the Krishna book, he helped humanity recover back the remembrance of everyones prananatha, the soul of all souls Sri Krishna
abhajet - Bhakti means practical service, engaging the senses in serving Isa the supreme controller and lover
Guru devata atma - Srila Prabhupada explained guru tattva and Sri Guru as manifestation of Sri Hari. He accepted worship of his disciples for their growth. 


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