Spiritual musings
The no ambition state, the acceptance state of the present situation. The situation of not doing anything other than flowing like water in ones own dharma....this is life....flowing in ones own specific dharma to join ananta the ocean of supreme consciousness. Natural bliss is interrupted by the myriad mental turbulence. Dont worry, viswatma is supporting and nourishing everyone towards total complete bliss. He is drawing all of us thru various means. See yourself as extensions of his universal body and hence equal opportunity for bliss for poornata. Purnasya poornam aadaya, poornam eva vasisyate. Why is this feeling of lacking always? which leads to actions of procurement uninterrupted....The lacking can be cured only by sincerely not wanting it, not otherwise by having it. Like a child learns to walk, an adult should learn to flow with inborn svadharma. Activate swadharm, learn yajna - this is the formula for satisfying life. Total acceptance and flow enables bliss. But th...