
Spiritual musings

 The no ambition state, the acceptance state of the present situation. The situation of not doing anything other than flowing like water in ones own dharma....this is life....flowing in ones own specific dharma to join ananta the ocean of supreme consciousness. Natural bliss is interrupted by the myriad mental turbulence. Dont worry, viswatma is supporting and nourishing everyone towards total complete bliss. He is drawing all of us thru various means. See yourself as extensions of his universal body and hence equal opportunity for bliss for poornata. Purnasya poornam aadaya, poornam eva vasisyate.  Why is this feeling of lacking always? which leads to actions of procurement uninterrupted....The lacking can be cured only by sincerely not wanting it, not otherwise by having it. Like a child learns to walk, an adult should learn to flow with inborn svadharma. Activate swadharm, learn yajna - this is the formula for satisfying life. Total acceptance and flow enables bliss. But th...

Austerity is made possible thru contact with divine sound

 Make the vrata configuration involving food, sleep, and regulation of roopa form, rasa taste, gandha smell, sparsha touch and sabda sound. These sense objects need to be regulated of contact and bodily discomfort tolerated by simultaneous engagement in contact with higher spiritual energy. Spiritual energy of satchitananda is emanated by spiritual personality manifestations. By higher contact a austere life can be led and offered for the pleasure of the universe sustaining infinite soul 'Viswatma'. Spiritual experiments behooves one to test and experiment life without ones favorite sensual attachments. Austerity is made possible by contact with divine sound. one has to chant in such a way that the treasure casket of divine sound opens up pouring molten satchitanand into ones heart to create swarupa. They make those sugar forms to gift and distribute during sankranti. The molten sugar is poured into wooden holders of varied divine symbols like tulasi mandap to get those nice fo...

Happiness philosophy

Get this right and become Hakuna matata, no worries. It is internally generated and there can be a state of continuous waves of bliss hitting the mind like the waves hit the shore. And that is yoga of the mind with the waves of bliss. But one has to activate the ocean inside. The potentiated mantras can activate the bliss ocean to trigger joy waves. Vibrating and hearing the mantras is important that they travel the auditory channel and trigger the ocean of bliss.  Dont rely on external enjoyment. They are fickly, they cause addiction etc...especially happiness derived from fame or craving for celebrity status. Dont have this degrading fame ambition. Just be in your natural dharma like a river flowing into the ocean. Let your natural skills flow towards ananta as service to infinite. Drop all kinds of ambitions to taste external happiness and have only one ambition to taste joy of true self and connectivity with supreme self. Wealth doesnt provide security and true happiness. Simil...

Identity and happiness

 Identities are important. What mind conceives as identity needs to be systematically assessed? Because the identity concept decides the level of well being and bliss. By raising the identity concept one can raise the level of inner well being, it is as simple. We generally take up many temporal limited identities. For example the nation we are born into, the family, the profession, the education, the identity relative to ones parents. Like iam son/daughter of such and such a person becomes one of the identity. A person gets a web of identities as one grows in this world from childhood to adult state. Company identities are also very popular. But these identities should remain on the surface just for the sake of operating in this world and should not get deeper into our consciousness. Deeper we just have to maintain that iam blissful part of the universal soul network. This is described in Vishnu Sahasranama as viswatma, bhutatma or trilokatma. This belongingness to infinite consci...

happiness workout

 Mind needs dopamine to continue living. Nervous system is so dependent on hormonal chemicals. What do you do when these happiness chemicals are going down and challengin raison de etre? Soul is beyond these chemicals. The real me is beyond and by nature bliss. Why is this element dormant and why is it difficult to awaken that. (tat vastu inside me). Spirituality is not set of rituals even though the word ritual is inside spiritual. Spirituality is a special ritual be which your eternal self lits up. Lighting up your inner side is need of the hour. Become independent, relish inner bliss and spread love if needed. The key behind becoming more tolerant than a tree is to spread and serve love. Stories of depression are rampant on the web. This causeless disinterested in anything is called depression, a vision of gloomy future etc....Kemon ache bhaiyaa....sudhar jao. The bliss particle, god particle -> that is what soul called as.  Body is like a burger where you have many laye...

Happiness, pleasure and wellbeing

 Whatever it is life is crazy. What is life meant for afterall? I dont deny, there are pleasure objects to possess. Positions to go after, beautiful women, great food etc....but are happiness and pleasures different?. Happiness is the measured by the level of well being whereas pleasures are momentary when we engage with pleasure object. To raise the level of well being is important but many times it is inverse to the pleasure process. If one indulges in intense pleasures then the level of well being takes a dip post pleasure. This is law of nature. Hence one has to be regulated in pleasures like food and sex so that level of well being doesnt go down. Once the level of well being goes beyond threshold the need for pleasure will completely vanish. one just relishes ones higher existence and roams around singing dancing glorifying the root of existence, urdhva mulam. One has to know the process of raising inner well being. Means it follows a rigorous method to raise the inner well b...

Vishnu Sahasranama, the correlation between the first and 1000th name

 The names of Vishnu, Vishnu Sahasranam, 1000 names of Vishnu. What is it all about? Are they just sounds or something more? Do they have potency or capable of energy transmission? Whole world is about energy transaction or flow of energy. Everyhing contains energy potential some visible and others invisible. So What to do? we have to get used to and master to live amongst energy flows. The spectrum of energy. when you come to the point of chanting vibrating mantras, u have to become sensitive to energy flow. One particular characteristic of living mantra is varied reciprocation in energy. It depends on the knowledge and faith of the individual, the type of energy which mantra transmits. Mantras are energy emission points but since they are living, they reciprocate differently to different individuals. So it is better one doesnt chant a mantra without knowing the meaning, diety addressed and beneficial energy that can be drawn. It is technicalled called in sadhana circles 'Mahima j...