
Showing posts from 2021

Social media

 Instagram is worse that serial or a movie This is due to very frequent context switching Better stick on Its called wandering from one to another, to another, to another One who is attached to this jumping cannot qualify for liberation Frequent and fast context switching causes depression Mind wants to continuously jump World is a never ending tree of illusion; one can keep jumping from one to another Life is nothing but a wandering from one branch to another without tasting essence Life on the tree of illusion is tough;  Elevation liberation and entanglement The world of illusion has quality of stickiness Hence we are perpetually bound to illusion The jumping is due to concept of boredom on a branch Leading to variety is mother of enjoyment - a routine packed with variety creates bliss In Gita it is called - variety in [ahara, vihara, cesta] - these 3 destroy depression Vihara is relaxing walk with friends etc..... Cesta is some service for benefit of the world Ahara is whol...

wheel of time

 Wheel of time, Kala Chakra A circle means coming back repeatedly to the same point But one can choose to evolve in the circle of time Hearing to the winds, the pancabhutas can give omens The flow pattern of water; the blowing of wind etc..... Ofcourse one needs wisdom to read the fundamental elements, be the wisdom sri-bhagavan uvaca kalo 'smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho lokan samahartum iha pravrttah rte 'pi tvam na bhavisyanti sarve ye 'vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah Loka ksaya - the deterioration of world of matter begins at creation Create something with a timer to decay and destruct - thats the nature of this world There a decay timer and destruction embeded, which is ticking right from birth Some astrologers can get power to read the settings on this span timer Its a growth towards decay...... Pratyanikesu - one should not be on the opposite side of the Lord Competing and opposing the Lord 'pratyanikesu yodhah' Lets not become a opposing warrior What to do in hum...


An improved perfect self already exists Purification is needed to manifest the improved self Uncovering layers is our focus When there is a mixture only one needs purification Where there is required and not required substance, entity, to separate one needs purification Identification, separation and elimination are various steps in purification Knowledge and awareness is needed to identify unwanted things in heart Otherwise there is no regulation of unwanted things Wanton kingdom of unwanted things in the heart Unwanted is well integrated with wanted making the process difficult The wanted in dormant and unwanted is active Daman is complete supression of the unwanted with help of Lord Damodara One can catch, group and tie the unwanted - desires and ahankara Destroy and eliminate them Meditation is the culmination of the entire curriculum of the Gita which aims at removing the three main defects of our personality: mala, vikshepa and aavarana. tatrekaagram manaha kritvaa yatachittendri...

Festivals and energy

Sanatana dharma festivals have impact in all living dimensions We live in - physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, imaginative, spiritual dimensions Some dimension will be more prevalent active at different time of the day All will be operating but one dimension will dominate, hope you all agree Festivals uplift all dimensions of life There is a primary object which is central core to any festival For example til sesame in Sankranti, Lamp in Diwali One has to become extremely inquisitive on this specific food substances or worship substances recommended during festivals. Analyse the energy emission from these and on specific days of festivals and how it will benefit our overall wellbeing by absorbing the same All subsidiary energies push one towards getting drenched in the rain of satchitananda

Taxi and service

The word Taxi is  coined from Medieval Latin  taxa  "tax, charge." Like a paid service. Service that is paid is not true service True service uplifts the self What is root word for service? *stā- , Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to stand, set down, make or be firm," with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing." As seen above it is 'Sta' which means that which is standing firm Dharma also means that which sustains a thing or make a thing stand So if we dont want to be washed away by the waves of time (kaalera saagare dhaaya), then we have to serve the satya or truth Service means that which makes one stand for ever, that which sustains one for ever and that is devotional service to Absolute truth Sri Krishna By offering ones swadharma in service to absolute, one enters eternity and finds a permanent position there The concept of tax in vedas is called rna (debt) Unpaid tax becomes a debt as time elapses. We become indebted to paybac...


 Verse 6 नमो देव दामोदरानन्त विष्णो प्रभो दुःख-जालाब्धि-मग्नम् कृपा-दृष्टि-वृष्ट्याति-दीनं बतानु गृहाणेष मामज्ञमेध्यक्षिदृश्यः ॥ ६॥ namo deva dāmodarānanta viṣṇo prasīda prabho duḥkha-jālābdhi-magnam kṛpā-dṛṣṭi-vṛṣṭyāti-dīnam batānu gṛhāṇeṣa mām ajñam edhy akṣi-dṛśyaḥ The above verse has -> Humility, prayer, Nama sankirtana, prayojana Seeing from the perspective of Sambandha, Abhideya and Prayojana: Sambandha Jnana - we are all part of ananta, since meaning of ananta means everything is included and nothing in the cosmos can be outside All inclusiveness with perfect awareness is Vishnu. To this when we add Prabhu and isa, it becomes a perfect definition of God and belonging to him Abhideya - Namah, dinam, ajna Prayojana - akshi drsyah Humility is manifested when one declares complete lack of knowledge before the Lord (mam ajnam) and also complete helplessness(dinam bata) being struck in the ocean of miseries (dukha jalabdhi) The request for mercy krpa should always be backed up ...

Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada tirobhava tithi maha mahotsava ki jaya His divine grace name in his earlier asrama was 'Abhaya caran' which means fearless lotus feet. Whose lotus feet? this is addressed in the kirtan 'Bhaja hure mana, Sri Nanda Nandana, abhaya caranaravinda re'. The fearlessness is found at the lotus feet of son of Nanda Maharaja. Srila Prabhupada's mission is to help living beings of the world experience true fearlessness by developing bhakti at the lotus feet of Nandanandana Sri Krishna. All the higher attainments of spirituality like Prem, bliss, happiness, eternity are built on the foundation of 'Abhaya' or fearlessness. Fear is always due to the unknown. As finite entities when we see the vast world, there remains so much unknown and this causes fear. Fear is the primary destroyer of wellbeing. It corrodes at the most fundamental level and shakes up the whole foundation of existence. Fear also eats up our life span (ayur vyaya). In response to the Que...

Jyoti, jnana and hriday

  jyotiṣhām api taj jyotis tamasaḥ param uchyate jñānaṁ jñeyaṁ jñāna-gamyaṁ hṛidi sarvasya viṣhṭhitam (Gita 13.18) Bhakta vashyata is the Jyoti; controlled by love Jnanam is the jyoti, the revelation Bhakta vashyata nature is the greatest revelation of Gods nature and is revealed in damodara lila The light of connection to universal viswatma, the infinite soul governing everything;  Is the invisible real? be on the agnostic platform and march towards the invisble There is light, dwelling and knowledge Is there a correlation? Knowledge and light are interchangeably used The light of knowledge, because light provides clarity, direction in dark, the information to navigate the darkness to the minimum Knowledge, object of knowledge and goal of knowledge The source of all luminaries is indwelling and emits knowledge Or the light from the Lord also has knowledge signals Light is made of photons and it can be energy capsules We all have source of light, love and knowledge insid...

Energy dimension of Diwali

 What is the energy dimension of Diwali? The word Deepavali indicates it is connected primarily to Fire element There is a link to sankranti and Deepavali Sankranti is the macro worship of Sun God and gratitude for making life happen Sun at a personal level, at a micro level is Deepam Deepa which is the heart of Deepavali is indicative of so many things It indicates light of self knowledge and warmth of love relationships It also indicates s ervice, compassion and giving because Deepavali means series of lamps one lighting the other Of all the pancabhutas, fire always points upwards , water flows downwards Hence Deepa also shows out ambition should be in upward directions, in the plane of the gods, to become divine, pure Aspire a divya deva life is what the deepa is indicating Each of the fundamental elements have lessons to give to us Each of our festivals predominantly glorify one panchabhuta to connect to all pervading supreme Deepa is the sandhi agent or yoga agent to bind the...


 Broken - when things get out of rhythm Arjuna was broken but beautiful All of us maybe broken but beautiful inside; thats why Lord has hope in our beauty That beauty is because we are his creation; mamaivamso What are the words used in Gita for broken? Arjuna was broken Mouth drying up; soka samvigna manasah Arjuna blooms his beauty because of employing swadharma in the service of the Lord Only when you identify yourself with inifinite that you will again start feeling complete 'Poorna' Identity is very closely related with suprasidati complete bliss My serving the invisible infinite, one can again start feeling complete, wholesome bliss But one has to serve with ones swadharma  because only swadharma flows causelessly and without break, interrruption That which one cannot stop doing is ones dharma Sandhaata Sandhiman -> such beauty, the infinite always is of binding nature; establishes connect; always joining entities like he went for Krishna sandhaana;  Dont worry, ...

Candy sweet

Candy appears innocent but evil takes shelter of something innocent and simple manytimes According to Gita, one needs to be careful of something simple and sweet like a candy. Because what is sweet and easily available is poison and what is immediately poison is nectar. everything is reverse in this world, dont trust the mind especially that which is glitzy to the senses yat tad agre viṣham iva pariṇāme ‘mṛitopamam tat sukhaṁ sāttvikaṁ proktam ātma-buddhi-prasāda-jam That which seems like poison at first, but tastes like nectar in the end, is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness. It is generated by the pure intellect that is situated in self-knowledge. anyachchhreyo ’nyadutaiva preyaste ubhe nānārthe puruṣhaṁ sinītaḥ tayoḥ śhreya ādadānasya sādhu bhavati hīyate ’rthādya u preyo vṛiṇīte śhreyaśhcha preyaśhcha manuṣhyametastau samparītya vivinakti dhīraḥ śhreyo hi dhīro ’bhi preyaso vṛiṇīte preyo mando yogakṣhemād vṛinīte (1.2.1-2)[v21] ”There are two paths—one is the ‘beneficial...

grave meditation

Grave meditation All dreams whether achieved or not achieved will be reset, become zero at death Death is inevitable reality which makes everything meaningless Every achievement becomes meaningless The only activities which are worth are those which nourishes our eternal aspect of self We are busy pampering to the temporal self entire duration Whereas its about giving shape to eternal self and eternal occupation Build foundation and architect ones eternal self and occupation Just like waves on a beach destroy sand structures; build something permanent indestructible by the waves of time To build this indestructible thing, the best companion is the Mahamantra The sound can build the self and its ocupation But we need to support and assist the mind transformation into universality and service ----------------------------------

Scenes of Life

Scene is a potpourri of various layers to generate rasa There are rasa chunks and then there is wholistic essence of a scene There are connections from scene to scene - Sutre mani ganiava A sutradhaara is needed to connect scenes  Those individual scenes rasa mix together when bound by sutra to generate overall rasa Nobody escapes Life is about scenes Dont create conceptualise scenen of sense enjoyment and self as Lord of all one surveys Wellbeing is about inner generated bliss On what conditions can inner bliss generate? A pure mind, a good faith of presence of bliss On what conditions bliss gets uncovered Mind generates scenes and background covering bliss of the moment It is bhranti - Mind is a bhranti producing machine, disbelieve it  Souls light has to be reflected on screen of mind This can happen only when moind becomes silent (no thoughts, no identies, no plans, be in present, no future/past thoughts) A scene has: Characters and personalities Dialogues and conversation...

Our common final destination

  ನಾ ಹೊರಟರು ಎಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ತಲುಪೋ ತಾಣ ನಿನ್ನಲ್ಲಿದೆ.. Wherever we may try to go but the final destination to reach is 'Him' the tat vastu You are the shelter, support - 'O viswatma' In kaliyuga we are used to take many detours and pretend to never reach the destination The distractions are many hence the detours But have sound as companion The sound of the flute, om, Hare krishna mahamantra Its the clarion call to correct the way Mantra is the google map of spiritual reach the taana or the bank after navigating in oceans of samsara Have companions of satasanga on the path

Breathe and avoid seeking fame

 Yoga Q like IQ is important Yoga means integrated thought Thinking process is wholistic and connected to center Action should always be connected and inspired by the whole IQ, EQ, SQ, YQ - the birth of Yoga quotient What is quotient and reminder? - is it derived by division Quotient divides the whole - quotient is result of an operation of division Quotient means -> a  particular   degree  or  amount  of something: What is difference between quotient and Quality? Breath and time are related - hence both keep ticking Breath ticks with inhalation and exhalation Hence focus on breath is focus on time and time is Kala purisha vishnu hence focus on breath and time will be a spiritual experience Fame is like drug addiction Fame means seeking appreciate from others; validation from others for any special skill Does lack of fame make one feel worthless? yes because the person may feel iam not special; i dont have special skills What is the purpose of a skill? I...

Prabhupada, the master

 The masters appearance on nandotsava, same day as Krishnas appearance was revealed to the vrajavasis Nand ke anand Bhayo Jay Kanhaiya lal ki Prabhupada had contrasting aspiration from father and mother for his future He dabbled with freedom movement for sometime Mother wanted him to go west and become barister But father wanted him to become a kirtaniya especially under shelter of Sri Radha The seeds of gaudiya theology was sown by his father a pure devotee, himself a servant of Sri Radha Sri Radha is the embodiment of hladini, the pleasure giving energy to God and his emanations Service activity will not have bliss without touch of Hladini If hladini is withdrawn, whole world will steep into depression The femininity is needed to sustain interest in life High cases of depression in world is attributed to lack of femininity and lack of respect for femininity The seeds of depression were sown with woman equality movement Woman are unique, what we need is Uniqueness and respect for ...

The present moment, The present place

 What is life? Its about breath and the heart beat, Both have connection to prana sakti Prana sakti is outer anavarana of the inner soul Yes thru breath one can catch hold of something sublime inside hence the importance pranayama has.....the particular way to deliberately guide breath cycles Posture and breathing have a very high importance to realise our other dimensional existence Dont think festivals are both just eaating, like Janmastami is coming Festivals are about exploring divine dimension of existence Thru mantras, thru rituals, thru food - one has to explore the connect to other worldly The dieties are in the other dimension which needs a different mindset to connect I mean they are n the service dimension, a mindful in the moment dimension The present moment has potential to connect to the inner dimension The breath, The posture and the moment - powerful triumverate, isnt it? Why the mind has to get transported to past and future? When the mind is in the moment it can a...

Thought Yoga

 Lord Vyaasa is a tapo Nidhi, Brahma nidhaye Brahman is a sheath of transcendence on everything rests Everything rests on joy, isnt this wonderful? Some people get yoga to Brahman, by thinking, contemplating, writing, expressing Please connect to Brahman  thru means which work to you there are 9 methods and there are 64 methods, feel free to adopt but stay connected to background joyful layer of brahman treasure trove of tapas, austerity.... Yoga of thought, i intend to create a new website This is about offering ones thoughts for the pleasure of the supreme It may be a verbal act or a great revelation on attribute of the absolute The realization of a sloka offered back thru broadcast satisfies the supreme Where one can attain transcendence thru continuous thought alignment with Gita Thru canceling negative thoughts or non complied thoughts receiving great thoughts broadcast by the slokas Broadcasting and discussing of thoughts broadcast by slokas Service of slokas thru deep r...


 Abhilasha or desires is driven by change of state Change of object for every one of our senses Change of possessions - house, car, phone etc.... How about stopping this process of craving for the next change? Can i practice contentment? or be happy with no growth in my external life in terms of possessions? This is needed for practicing spirituality Yoga begins when santosha starts or contentment window is open No aspiration of external change or so called improvement High aspiration for internal connect to the inner Buddha, the source of bliss The suprising thing one will find in vedanta philosophy is that happiness is a mental culture and practice As one studies vedanta, ones faith about soul being the wave generator of inexhaustible happiness increases, yoga is the attempt to connect to that wave center Bliss of being, natural happiness is the future

Garland of issues

 Life is a series of problems Garland of problems with capacity for trishula, tritapa One has to get out of samsara chakra while traversing the garland of problems One should not have foolish optimism that the chain of problems will end Learn to practice to sit  on the chariot with Sri krishna as the charioteer This can happen by taking shelter of his sound form - divine transcendent sound form Vikara are accepted as norm in society Present day society is dangerous turn - where so many ethical deviations are considered norm Especially sexual deviations This is as a result of too much persual of external pleasure External pleasure is driven by continuous change First thing to go internal is to stop change in the external pleasure Start process of vrata withdrawal and engagement at same level of sense pleasure Going inside automatically leads to minimalism - niskincana, akincana Bliss by nature is a wonderful concept to pursue Bliss by nature is lying dormant to be explored, the...


 Lotus and Guru is related Lotus is very much related to yoga and Guru Why is it so? The flower is beautiful and everything in vedas is always compared to a lotus Lotus feet and Lotus mouth are the 2 most prominent of Sri Guru The sabda brahma or spiritual living sound emanates from Gurus lotus mouth Yes i reiterate that it is living sound Living sound which has a personality Which has action post reception It works its magic once it enters the ear into consciousness Some heart association 'chitta' with the sabda brahma The most valuable gift from Sri Guru is sabda brahman...... recieve it, assimilate it, absorb it, and you are sure to manufacture ecstacy from sound Have you heard of manufacturing ecstacy by processing sound? Thats Guru purnima folks One having near death experience gets new realizations on life, values life The fact that whatever one does one has to leave behind Its how one has done in life is more important than what he has done Doing in a lovely way causing ...

Sunday musings

Society issues problems life Voodoo witch doctor Opera Doctors and healing Disease and immunity The prana shakti misalignment causes disease It's hard to keep it in equilibrium But bliss is yours if you manage to Ahaara vihara cesta....these are critical for prana sakti harmony Touched.....inflicted Girls with special powers Keeping tradition with constant change Turning back on God The touch of Narayan to Dhruva The touch to the cheek The touch of the conch The touch to kubja The touch to ahalya uddhaar

Anartha upashamana

 Prick people using tongue, identifying defects Why do we want to feel superior? The rasa of feeling superior to other co living entities Mada pumaan - Janma, Aishwarya, sruta, sribhih janmaiśvarya-śruta-śrībhir edhamāna-madaḥ pumān naivārhaty abhidhātuṁ vai tvām akiñcana-gocaram My Lord, Your Lordship can easily be approached, but only by those who are materially exhausted . One who is on the path of [material] progress, trying to improve himself with respectable parentage, great opulence, high education and bodily beauty , cannot approach You with sincere feeling. Superiority over others gives a temporary satisfaction but later creates lot of miseries. This lacks the vision of one entity.....bhajatva ekatvam should do yoga situated in oneness, the one ekatma governing everything.  Mahaprabhu recommended to feel lower than blade of grass, give respect to all others without expecting any from others.  Amanina maanadena, trnad api sunicena Love, cheating, ...